Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation - 3 - Institution

The media institution is who publishes the magazine and who gets the magazine to the audience. I have decided I want my music magazine to be published through the Bauer Media Group mainstream institution because I think it will make the magazine become increasingly popular and attract an audience that will hopefully want to buy the magazine regularly. Also the reason I would like this to happen is because Bauer Media don't have a magazine similar to my genre, therefore this will open up a wider audience to Bauer Media as fans of my music magazine genre specifically will mean that they may then look at other Bauer Media products giving them a wider audience as well as my magazine becoming increasingly popular due to the mass audience of Bauer Media as it is already a hugely popular institution. Also due to Bauer Media not having a similar genre that they publish will mean that there will be no competition with other magazines as my magazine will be the only one of it's type. This will allow a mass amount of audience have no other option to buying another magazine of my genre belonging to Bauer Media. A magazine that is similar to mine is Vibe magazine. Vibe magazine also features Hip-Hop and R&B artists. Vibe magazine is published by SpinMedia.
Also to progress on the distribution of my magazine I would make an online version supported by the website of Bauer Media for example, this would allow people to have an electronic copy. This would allow the audience to view the magazine without them having to carry a physical copy with them.   

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