Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation - 2 - Audience

When I created my magazine I was mainly targeting students as a main audience. I did this because students listen to music nearly everyday and also if a student has just finished a day at college they would like to relax. A way to do this is to listen to music and often some students would read  magazine. This way my magazine would be a good target to students. Students often live with other people, whether it be their parents or guardians or maybe a house/flat with their friends. If the initial buyer of the magazine has finished the magazine then they will leave it around the house, perhaps another member of the house will pick up the magazine and will spread the audience numbers and viewers of the magazine.
To grab their attention i tried to ensure that my music magazine would stand out and grab their attention, specifically students. I did this by including the names of big artists belonging to the genre of my music.
On the contents page I included social media such as twitter and Facebook which appeals to the audience of students who use social media.
On the double page spread I used a quote made by the feature artist which was also used on the front cover, this would lead them to the story as this quote would lead them onto the full story. 

 Demographics are set out into a table for target audience which represent social class. There are six groups for the target audience. They are named group A, group B, group C1, group C2,group D and group E. 
In group A the target audience is towards your upper class people, such as Higher management in business, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals that are in a high class.
Group B: is Middle management, this includes workers suck as teachers, creative and media people such as graphic designers.
Group C1: is Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses and specialist clerical staff. This is known as white collar.
Group C2: is skilled manual workers, this includes plumbers and builders. This is known as blue collar. 
Group D: is Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, more of working class citizens.
Group E: is unemployed people, which includes students, pensioners casual workers.

Main Story -  I chose the stereotypical audience which is a young black male. He is dressed in all black to show that he is prestigious and the green background also shows that he has a wealthy standard of living as green generally denotes wealth. I did this as this as Hip-Hop music generally express the love for money and prestigious lifestyle.

Plug - The use of a plug targets a niche audience as it targets a specific audience and their interests. I used the plug 'Win free K.O.' tickets. This targets K.O fans as they have the chance to win the tickets, allowing a wider audience to buy this specific issue of the magazine due to the chance to win tickets. This gives a positive impact on the buyer and will encourage them to buy more issues of magazine.

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