Sunday 12 April 2015

Evaluation - 7 - Improvements

You can see I have massively improved on all aspects of creating a magazine front cover. 

As these are my final products I believe I have improved massively. If you were to look back at early posts on my blog it is clear to see that I have improved my Photoshop skill, although they could still be improved a lot more. 
Before making my final product I made some mock ups to get some final practice at photoshop. 

I practiced basic photoshop skills on these two mock ups.

I have also improved in understanding terminology of media conventions. This is shown in these two pieces of analysis.

I also learned that the more you use the new technologies, you will get used to them and this will allow you to improve at using these new types of technologies such as photoshop.

If I were to do this again I would edit the images, as when I first took the photos I didn't have the knowledge about lighting and how to increase the quality of the photo. The reason I would do this is because then shadows won't appear on the photo. The preliminary task was very helpful as it helped me gain a little understanding of the level of ability I was at when using tools such as photoshop. After completing the preliminary task it was clear I had very little skill and understanding of making a magazine. However it is clear that I have improved compared to the preliminary task and my front page, contents page and double page spread.

Friday 27 March 2015

Evaluation - 6 - Technology

I used a number of different technologies to create my magazine and I had to use different technologies in the process of making my magazine. 
The technologies I used are:
A camera,  Nikon Coolpix L82 was used to take photo's of the models for the magazine.
I used this camera to take the photo's of themodels for my magazine. I did this because it is a high quality camera. I was able to take high quality photo's that are of high quality. 

I also used Prezi to create a presentation to show the conventions of my magazine. Prezi is cloud-based, meaning you can present from your browser, desktop, iPad, iPhone, or Android device and always have the latest version of your work at your fingertips. Create or edit on the go, then auto-sync across all your devices with ease -

The reason I used this prize is because it is an easy way and to combine pictures and images into an easily usable slideshow/presentation which allows me to show information about the conventions of my magazine through this slideshow.

To edit my magazine I used Photoshop to create my magazine and I also used blogger to post all of my planning on as well as my final product. I found it very easy to post on blogger regularly as you can go into much more detail about what you did by just generally explaining it. It’s very straightforward. I think that since the preliminary task of creating the college magazine I have definitely improved my skills and knowledge to create a successful magazine. However, during the preliminary task we didn't have to do the double page spread, so for the music magazine it was the first time creating one, but I made sure to do several drafts to improve.

I also used YouTube to post my audience response video, this then allowed me to embed this video onto a post on my blog.The reason for using this piece of technology is that it is an easy way to put a video into my work. By using a video it's a different way of giving information and feedback rather than it been all text.

Blogger allows you to post blogs on anything you want allowing you to present them to viewers of your blog. I am using blogger to post my research and my final product of my music magazine. This is an easy way to present my work as it allows videos and pictures onto my blog. Blogger also allows 'Prezi'. So I can put the slide show I made on Prezi onto my blog by embedding the link. 

A Prezi of technologies I have used. 

Thursday 26 March 2015

Evaluation - 5 - addressing the audience

How did you attract/address your audience

I did this in a number of ways. One way in which I did this is by using a plug.

By using a plug this will grab the audiences attention. The whole reason of using a plug is to entice the audience into giving them the chance to win free items, for example they can win free concert tickets or a free holiday etc.
By including the plug it will give the audience a chance to win something in return if they chose to enter the competition. The plug I used to win 'K.O' tickets is used because 'K.O' is the main artists in this issue of the magazine. 
The use of a plug targets a niche audience as it targets a specific audience and their interests. I used the plug 'Win free K.O.' tickets. This targets K.O fans as they have the chance to win the tickets, allowing a wider audience to buy this specific issue of the magazine due to the chance to win tickets. This gives a positive impact on the buyer and will encourage them to buy more issues of magazine.
The audience was students meaning that they won't all have a lot of money to spend on concert tickets and also the subscription fee might still be too expensive. Therefore I gave the students the chance to win the free concert tickets as well as only paying £2.50 for the magazine. This is an easily affordable price to the average student, this allows me to keep on targeting a specific audience which is the students.

By using a list of artists featured inside of the magazine it will attract the audiences of these artists used in this list of artists. 
By using these artists this will allow their fans to buy the magazine as they will want to read more about the artists that are listed. This gives my magazine a specific audience of students who listen to Rap/Hip-Hop as this is what music genre these artists fall into which therefore is the genre of my magazine as this is why they are featured on it. 
Fans of these artists will now be willing to buy the magazine to read an article on them. Also new customers of the magazine may still read up on these artists and then may end up liking them and will encourage the new customers to carry on buying the magazine as they may think that artists they don't yet know but might like will be in future issues of the magazine.

Also by using an artists with a quote featured in the story this then gives the audience an insight on what the story is about. This is meant to entice the audience into buying the magazine to read the article on this specific artists. Kid Ink is an American Hip-Hope artist. This also gives my magazine a specific audience which is Hip-Hop artist. Fans of Kid Ink will want to read the article as it is on an artist they like. Also people who buy the magazine might not know who Kid Ink is, This will then give the customers a new reason to carry on buying issues of the magazine as artists they like will be in the magazine even though they might not who they are yet. This will also encourage the wide spread of an audience as people may want to find and listen to an artist they don't already know.
Then if the reader then goes on to like this artists they could tell more people about this artists and the magazine they found the artist in, which is my magazine 'Sounds'. This will then increase the general number of audience. 

Evaluation - 4 - Target Audience

Audience research is important because...
It allows you to design the magazine to the target audiences general taste which in turn, increases sales.
It gives you a better understanding on what stories to include and who to base them on.
Questions I need to ask

How much you willing to pay (ask this to 5 people)
What artists would you like to see in the magazine
What kind of stories would interest you
What kind of colours would attract you
What kind of clothes would you expect to see from the models
How frequently would you like the magazine to be published (daily, weekly monthly)
Paper copy or electronic copy and why
What props do you associate with the genre
What do you want to see more in music magazines (mise-en-scene)

Target Audience response 
What artists would you like to see in the magazine?
The audience responded with very similar answers which included artists such as: Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Kid Ink and chance the rapper 
What kind of stories would interest you?
The audience would like to see stories about the artists childhood, before they were famous and also what it's like going up on stage in front of thousands of fans. The audience would also like to know what motivates the artists to carry on with their career in music. 
What kind of clothes would you expect to see from the models?
When asked this question the audience responded with the same answers, in the magazine they would expect the males to wear baggy clothes and for women they would expect them to wear tight clothes.
How frequently would you like the magazine to be published? 
The audience answered with a number of different answers, some said daily, some said weekly and some also said monthly
Paper copy or electronic copy and why?
An even number of answers were given to this question, some would like an electronic copy because then the magazine can't be damaged as it will be seen on a tablet or computer etc. However people would prefer it as a paper copy as they would like to hold the magazine and be able to take it anywhere they would like.

This shows that the audience would like similar things in the magazine, for example they said they would like to see artists such as 'Kid Ink' in the magazine, therefore to please my initial target audience of teenagers I added the desired artists they wanted to see into my magazine.
The reason I targeted teenagers is because they have a lot of leisure time after college. In this time they could purchase my magazine and read it, if the first buyer has finished reading the magazine and they leave it around the house due to students mostly living with other people then another person in the house could pick up the magazine and then read it. This will widen up the audience and also increase purchase numbers because if they like it they would possibly subscribe to magazine.
Also the audience said they would expect baggy clothes for the males, this is shown as on the front cover the model is wearing an open button shirt, this also supports the stereotypical view on this specific genre.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation - 3 - Institution

The media institution is who publishes the magazine and who gets the magazine to the audience. I have decided I want my music magazine to be published through the Bauer Media Group mainstream institution because I think it will make the magazine become increasingly popular and attract an audience that will hopefully want to buy the magazine regularly. Also the reason I would like this to happen is because Bauer Media don't have a magazine similar to my genre, therefore this will open up a wider audience to Bauer Media as fans of my music magazine genre specifically will mean that they may then look at other Bauer Media products giving them a wider audience as well as my magazine becoming increasingly popular due to the mass audience of Bauer Media as it is already a hugely popular institution. Also due to Bauer Media not having a similar genre that they publish will mean that there will be no competition with other magazines as my magazine will be the only one of it's type. This will allow a mass amount of audience have no other option to buying another magazine of my genre belonging to Bauer Media. A magazine that is similar to mine is Vibe magazine. Vibe magazine also features Hip-Hop and R&B artists. Vibe magazine is published by SpinMedia.
Also to progress on the distribution of my magazine I would make an online version supported by the website of Bauer Media for example, this would allow people to have an electronic copy. This would allow the audience to view the magazine without them having to carry a physical copy with them.   

Evaluation - 2 - Audience

When I created my magazine I was mainly targeting students as a main audience. I did this because students listen to music nearly everyday and also if a student has just finished a day at college they would like to relax. A way to do this is to listen to music and often some students would read  magazine. This way my magazine would be a good target to students. Students often live with other people, whether it be their parents or guardians or maybe a house/flat with their friends. If the initial buyer of the magazine has finished the magazine then they will leave it around the house, perhaps another member of the house will pick up the magazine and will spread the audience numbers and viewers of the magazine.
To grab their attention i tried to ensure that my music magazine would stand out and grab their attention, specifically students. I did this by including the names of big artists belonging to the genre of my music.
On the contents page I included social media such as twitter and Facebook which appeals to the audience of students who use social media.
On the double page spread I used a quote made by the feature artist which was also used on the front cover, this would lead them to the story as this quote would lead them onto the full story. 

 Demographics are set out into a table for target audience which represent social class. There are six groups for the target audience. They are named group A, group B, group C1, group C2,group D and group E. 
In group A the target audience is towards your upper class people, such as Higher management in business, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals that are in a high class.
Group B: is Middle management, this includes workers suck as teachers, creative and media people such as graphic designers.
Group C1: is Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses and specialist clerical staff. This is known as white collar.
Group C2: is skilled manual workers, this includes plumbers and builders. This is known as blue collar. 
Group D: is Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, more of working class citizens.
Group E: is unemployed people, which includes students, pensioners casual workers.

Main Story -  I chose the stereotypical audience which is a young black male. He is dressed in all black to show that he is prestigious and the green background also shows that he has a wealthy standard of living as green generally denotes wealth. I did this as this as Hip-Hop music generally express the love for money and prestigious lifestyle.

Plug - The use of a plug targets a niche audience as it targets a specific audience and their interests. I used the plug 'Win free K.O.' tickets. This targets K.O fans as they have the chance to win the tickets, allowing a wider audience to buy this specific issue of the magazine due to the chance to win tickets. This gives a positive impact on the buyer and will encourage them to buy more issues of magazine.

Evaluation - 1 - Conventions

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media?

This is an existing magazine front cover from Vibe magazine. I have shown it's conventions and used L.I.I.A.R analysis.

I have used similar conventions on my music magazine.

By using conventions such as Masthead it is clear to see the title of the magazine allowing the audience to see the title of the magazine clearly. Also by using the featured artists then the audience can see who is featuring in the magazine, if they are a fan of any of those artists then they will be encouraged to buy the magazine.

First of all to be consistent I needed a house style from the planning and research, I decided to use the three colours of: green, black and white throughout my media products which I created. I chose these colours due to me mainly seeing the colours black and white used on a number of magazine covers such as XXL and Vibe. These two colours, black and white, contrast each other as they are complete opposites, I also decided to choose these two colours as this shows the contrast in types of Hip-Hop music as there is many ways in which artists present their music. First of all white is a colour which is considered to be the colour of perfection. Some people will say that Hip-Hop if the perfect music genre, hence the reason I used white (the colour of perfection). Although black is the complete opposite to white in general music terms, black connotes the power of the genre as Hip-Hop has a huge population of listeners. Black also denotes a prestigious colour, for example a black tie event, black Mercedes.  I added green to these colours because the dark green, which I used, represents money and wealth. I did this as many Hip-Hop artists express their love for money and their affluent lifestyle.

Also on the front cover I used the image of the artist which the main story is about, this gives the reader the impression that this specific artist is the main feature in this edition of the magazine. I also represented this by placing the artists name in the centre of the magazine to show who the story is about.