Tuesday 11 November 2014

Target Audience

Audience research is important because...
It allows you to design the magazine to the target audiences general taste which in turn, increases sales.
It gives you a better understanding on what stories to include and who to base them on.
Questions I need to ask

How much you willing to pay (ask this to 5 people)
What artists would you like to see in the magazine
What kind of stories would interest you
What kind of colours would attract you
What kind of clothes would you expect to see from the models
How frequently would you like the magazine to be published (daily, weekly monthly)
Paper copy or electronic copy and why
What props do you associate with the genre
What do you want to see more in music magazines (mise-en-scene)

Demographics are set out into a table for target audience. There are six groups for the target audience. They are named group A, group B, group C1, group C2,group D and group E. 
In group A the target audience is towards your upper class people, such as Higher management in business, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals that are in a high class.
Group B: is Middle management, this includes workers suck as teachers, creative and media people such as graphic designers.
Group C1: is Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses and specialist clerical staff. This is known as white collar.
Group C2: is skilled manual workers, this includes plumbers and builders. This is known as blue collar. 
Group D: is Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, more of working class citizens.
Group E: is unemployed people, which includes students, pensioners casual workers.

Target Audience response 
What artists would you like to see in the magazine?
The audience responded with very similar answers which included artists such as: Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Kid Ink and chance the rapper 
What kind of stories would interest you?
The audience would like to see stories about the artists childhood, before they were famous and also what it's like going up on stage in front of thousands of fans. The audience would also like to know what motivates the artists to carry on with their career in music. 
What kind of clothes would you expect to see from the models?
When asked this question the audience responded with the same answers, in the magazine they would expect the males to wear baggy clothes and for women they would expect them to wear tight clothes.
How frequently would you like the magazine to be published? 
The audience answered with a number of different answers, some said daily, some said weekly and some also said monthly
Paper copy or electronic copy and why?
An even number of answers were given to this question, some would like an electronic copy because then the magazine can't be damaged as it will be seen on a tablet or computer etc. However people would prefer it as a paper copy as they would like to hold the magazine and be able to take it anywhere they would like.

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