Monday 20 October 2014

Double Page Spread Analysis

For each of these magazines in the double page spread there is a main image of who the main article is about and along-side the image is the main article which relates to the artist in the main image. In all 3 there is a quote of what the artist has said and the article is either about that quote or relates to the quote on another topic but is still mainly focused on the artist in the main image. All 3 of the magazines have a very similar lay out on the double page spread because there is a main image which takes up one page and the main story takes up the other page. In the stories the artist on the opposite page is identified and it tells them about who they are. Depending on who is on the double page spread you can tell which genre of music magazine it is, for example the Rick Ross and Jay-Z double page spread is most likely from a hip-hop magazine whereas the magazine with the story about Florence and the machine is most likely in an indie/pop magazine. This shows different magazines use a very similar layout on a double page spread.

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