Monday 20 October 2014

Double Page Spread Analysis

For each of these magazines in the double page spread there is a main image of who the main article is about and along-side the image is the main article which relates to the artist in the main image. In all 3 there is a quote of what the artist has said and the article is either about that quote or relates to the quote on another topic but is still mainly focused on the artist in the main image. All 3 of the magazines have a very similar lay out on the double page spread because there is a main image which takes up one page and the main story takes up the other page. In the stories the artist on the opposite page is identified and it tells them about who they are. Depending on who is on the double page spread you can tell which genre of music magazine it is, for example the Rick Ross and Jay-Z double page spread is most likely from a hip-hop magazine whereas the magazine with the story about Florence and the machine is most likely in an indie/pop magazine. This shows different magazines use a very similar layout on a double page spread.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

contents page - Market research

On each of these contents page there is a main image centered in the page. Along the side of the magazine you can see what stories are in the magazine and what page they are on. The reason for the main stories been at the side is so that when the reader first opens the magazine and turns to the contents page they can chose whichever story they want to read first and they already know what page it is on rather than looking through the whole magazine to find it. All 3 of the magazines i chose do this. This makes it easier for the reader to find the story what they want to read. Also on all 3 magazine contents page at the top it shows the title of the magazine. Each of the magazines also have an image of an artist. From the pictures of the artists on the contents page you can tell what the main genre of the music magazine is.

Monday 6 October 2014

Magazine conventions

Main feature headline is of the person on the main image (Kanye West). This shows that he is the main talking point of this magazine.
The masthead is central of the magazine front cover and the image is overlapping the title. The title of the magazine isn't visible because the image overlaps the title text.
Subheadings advertise and give an insight of the main stories in the magazine To show what else is in the magazine which is worth talking about.
Bar code is visible on the front cover

 The masthead is central and in front of the image so it is not covered up. This makes it clear to read and it is visible.
 Subheadings of the inside stories down the side give information of what is inside the magazine. Other artists are down the side such as 'Prince'. This will catch peoples attention if they are fans of this specific artist.

Magazine title is to the left of the cover and easily visible it isn't blocked by any image or other text
Bar code is down the side which is out of the way of the text and image
Sub-headings and ‘Plus’ what’s inside the magazine down the side means that readers already know what's in it before they have even opened it. This is because the main stories are advertised on the front.