Tuesday 9 September 2014

Existing college magaazine covers

The images of the american football players gives the impression that the magazine is specifficaly going to be about sport.
The magazine will mainly focus on American Football. The title 'Big East' suggests that the college is in the east of america. The blue kit represents the calmness of the team when they're on the ball. They can handle situations well and still be calm andnot pannic on the ball. Whereas the black kit represents the power of the team and how powerful the college is.


The 'praying hands' signifies the magazine could be quite controversial. The colour blue also represents confidence and faith and the man on the front cover is smiling so he is confident about the magazine and its contents. His stance is relaxed and in a religous manor showing how important the magazine is to read. It's like he is showing the magazine is sacred. 

The yellow title shows the joy and happiness of the magazine. The man smiling on the cover is also expressing the joy in the magazine by smiling and showing the magazine is positive. Due to yellow been used alot it suggests that the magazine is a feel good magazine and show the positives of going to college and how much it can be enjoyed. 


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